“I would encourage anyone who is looking for a horse to attend the Legacy Ranch Horse Sale.” Dennis Ambrose

My wife Patty calls us 'repeat offenders'...we can't seem to go to the sale without bringing something home! But I can tell you this ~ We bought a mare "Hello Darlin Kate" @ the first Legacy sale. We were not planning to buy a horse...let alone a 3 year old mare. That mare the following January, ended up in the top ten at the very tough American

Rope Horse Futurity under the guidance of Brad Barkemeyer in the heeling @ The Arizona Sun Circuit.. An amazing accomplishment for a green horse. In addition to that notable accomplishment, Patty showed her in the AzQHA Trail Challenges that year, and "Kate" was Year End High Point Novice Horse and ended up on the cover or the Arizona Horse Connection magazine.
The following year we bought "Brown Bottle Fiesta", and the year after that, added "Driftin To Be Famous" to the herd. Last year BBF was The Arizona Quarter Horse Year End Reserve Champion in Heeling and DTBF was the Year End Reserve Champion in Heading.

Each of these horses is Heritage Bred and eligible for all that goes along with that in AQHA. Regardless of that ~ they are great horses, each one of them. Patty and I are looking forward to what the future continues to hold for them.

Every sale is different, as are each of the horses we have been fortunate enough to purchase there. It's been a challenging year. Maybe 2021 could be your opportunity to benefit from this year's Legacy Ranch Horse Sale's catalog?

Dennis Ambrose

Arizona Quarter Horse Association

Director, AQHA

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For 2 years we have attended the Legacy Horse Sale in Prescott. We were hoping we would find the one that would be coming home with us. The cowboys from all the ranches treated us with respect and really helped us. When Josey entered the ring we knew she was the one. She has passed my expectations on her beauty, manners and soundness. I highly recommend anyone to attend this well organized sale. Thank you to all of people that put this together every year.


Jeanette Starr


“I bought the mare RO Ikes Penacho at a the Legacy Ranch Horse Sale in 2019 She was well started when I got her and has common sense She shows the potential for being a top breakaway horse, head horse and barrel horse. She made a barrel horse with minimal time in training and has clocked in the 1D. She can really run and is quiet and calm. ”

— Becky Mahoney, www.beckysbasics.com